vendors list

Explore our trusted vendor list, where we partner with the finest in the industry to make your event extraordinary.

Partnered With The Best

Discover our curated vendor list, featuring top professionals in catering, decor, entertainment, and more. At Nour Venues, we connect you with the best to ensure your event is flawless and unforgettable. 

Trust our partners to bring your vision to life.

Lifestyle Decor

Chantal Chetty - 083 684 6385
Cameron- 076 373 3165

A-Z Events

Ingrid- 083 798 8311

Spot on Events

Sanveer- 063 743 5243

Twilight Events

Imraan- 083 791 1169

MHA Events

Hussein- 072 709 1211

A to D Events

Fazila- 079 237 6057

Sound and Audio Visual

AK Azam Khan- 082 786 4322